How do I know if my meter is giving me accurate results?
Majority of Virta’s patients enter the program already owning a blood glucose testing device, and you may find yourself comparing results from your Precision Xtra meter with your personal device. Different meter brands tend to vary in measurements, and this variance should not be considered inaccuracy by Precision Xtra. Please see below for common ways outside factors can interfere with blood glucose and ketone measurements.
What can interfere with my glucose or ketone measurements?
Here are some of the most common factors that can affect your blood glucose and ketone measurements.
- Strip placement in the meter port and blood fill level. Make sure your strip is firmly placed into the port, and that the blood sample completely fills the channel.
- Hydration! If you are dehydrated or anemic, your results may be less accurate.
- Hygiene. Use the provided alcohol swabs before every test (or wash your hands).
- Altitude, temperature, humidity.
- Food or contaminants. Lotion, oils, food or alike products on the skin can cause inaccurate results.
- Strip expiration. Use your strips right away after opening the blister pack. Make sure the expiration date on your strip packaging has not passed.
- Exposure to air may cause evaporation, coagulation and changes in the blood and can result in readings with a 10% variance.
- Interfering substances such as elevated uric acid, Tylenol or low glutathione may interfere with your glucose results.
One of the best things you can do to ensure your meter is giving you accurate results is to perform a control solution test. You can purchase control solution for your Precision Xtra meter, here.
I still think my meter is inaccurate, how do I get a new one?
If you think your meter is giving you inaccurate results, please contact our support team, here.
Abbott - Precision Xtra Contact Information
Support Phone: 1-800-527-3339 or 1-855-632-8658
Warranty & Replacement Phone: 1-888-519-6890