5 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment start time, you will receive an email containing a link for your appointment. At your appointment start time, please follow the link to watch a 12-minute safety video. At the end of this video, you will see another link to join your Provider’s waiting room. Please await your assigned provider in their waiting room and they will be with you shortly!
There is no need to download any app for this appointment, just follow the provided links as indicated and you will be well on your way to completing your video appointment. All that we ask is that you keep your phone nearby if you are not using it to complete your appointment. If you experience technical issues, they will be giving you a call to complete your appointment at the number on file in your record.
Please reach out to you Enrollment Advisor or Submit a request if you have any issues with the above steps.
Post Provider appointment - Next Steps
For any questions following your provider appointment, please contact your Enrollment Advisor via the Virta App messages tab for more information. He or she likely might have already left you a message following your scheduled appointment. If you have not heard from your Enrollment Advisor in two business days, then please Submit a request.
Feel free to reach out to our Support team for more help by clicking HERE or chat with a Member Support specialist by clicking the chat bubble in the bottom right hand corner!