How to get your PCP in touch with Virta
Your PCP may be interested in learning more about Virta to gain understanding and help support you along your journey to better health! This article provides Virta Health contact information and information about Virta that you can share with your PCP for them to learn more and get in touch with us with any questions they may have.
How does Virta work?
Virta is a provider-supervised, coach-supported, nutrition-based intervention to treat metabolic diseases, including diabetes, prediabetes, and obesity. The goal of Virta is to help you restore your metabolic health.
Type 2 diabetes is characterized by higher than normal blood sugar, also known as blood glucose. When a person with type 2 diabetes eats carbohydrates, they aren’t able to move the glucose out of the blood as quickly, resulting in much higher blood glucose readings. They often need to take medications or inject insulin so their blood glucose does not get or remain too high. Since people with type 2 diabetes don’t handle carbohydrates well, we often use the term “carbohydrate intolerant”. Think of it like someone with a lactose intolerance—they don’t tolerate milk and milk products.
On Virta, we treat carbohydrate intolerance by training member’s bodies to rely more on fat than glucose (sugar) as a fuel. Our founding scientists, Dr. Steve Phinney and Dr. Jeff Volek, are leaders in science of low carb nutrition and nutritional ketosis. They’ve published hundreds of peer-reviewed articles and some foundational books on the benefits of carbohydrate restriction.
The Virta Clinic offers a 24/7 answering service exclusively for other health care professionals. For non-emergency questions, professionals can page our physician on call at: (844) 847–8216.
For more detailed information about Virta, download this PDF and share it with your PCP.
Instructions for Members
You can provide the phone number listed below to any health care professional who has non-emergency questions about your Virta with the Virta Clinic.
(844) 847-8216
Instructions for Health Care Professionals
The Virta Clinic offers a 24/7 answering device exclusively for other health care professionals. For non-emergency questions, professionals can page our physician on call at:
(844) 847-8216