Why are my weight measurements fluctuating?
Your scale recalibrates itself every hour to account for the variation in the sensor output due to changes in temperature and other external factors. If your scale is stored on it’s side, or on carpet when it’s not used, the tare (zero) point will be off and may cause fluctuations in weigh-ins. For variations larger than 3-5 lbs, it’s likely that the scale has been used on carpet. For smaller variations, below 3-5lbs, it’s likely that the scale is stored on it’s side, on carpet, or being moved around before/after measurements. If you are experiencing this issue, try calibrating your scale with the troubleshooting instructions below.
- Step on the scale to turn power on
- Step off the scale to allow for calibration
- Step on the scale to take a measurement
If you still need assistance, please reach out to Support!